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Clearing from the inside out: Release clutter, stress, overwhelm…for good!

Your Spacious Self – BOOKS: 10th Anniversary edition & original edition

A Year to Clear – BOOK: Clearing from the inside out, one day at a time

A Year for You – BOOK: Clearing the Spacious Way, one week at a time

Stephanie lights the way to living a clear and spacious life on Substack (delivered twice weekly by email)

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The method behind the magic

Stephanie maps out a guided, easeful, and lasting approach to clearing

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Stephanie’s books and how best to use them

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“Clearing the Spacious Way is not just about freeing up space. It is ultimately about freeing ourselves. Given the right tools, clearing physical and emotional clutter from the inside out requires much less effort and can change the game for good.”

Stephanie Bennett Vogt is a leading space clearing expert, teacher, and author of five books and four online courses on DailyOM which have attracted over 300,000 participants. She brings forty years of teaching experience to SpaceClear, the practice she founded in 1996 to help homes and people come into balance.