The Spacious Way to Clear

Most of us do too much, or have more possessions than we need or use. Or both. With our lives swept up in an overwhelming swirl of attachments, worry, and endless, mechanical “doing,” our minds become fuzzy on what stays and what goes, what matters and what doesn’t. As humans it is in our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is we lose focus, get off balance, and forget how.

So how do we dial it back – or even begin – to reduce the noise, release the stuff that doesn’t serve and support us, and connect with that which makes our hearts sing?

Welcome to SpaceClear – home to a whole NEW WAY of clearing. Our mission is to change the way the world relates to stress and stuff and teach simpler, gentler ways to release it that lighten, enlighten, and last.

Take your time to look around this website. With Stephanie’s books, free resources, unique programs, blog, and two online courses from DailyOM, there is a lot here to support and inspire everyone in feeling lighter and in the flow!

What is this “whole, new way of clearing”? Learn more about the Spacious Way >

Too much information? Get started clearing now. When you take the first step you set a strong intention, and the rest takes care of itself. Curious what that step might look like? Find out here >

Check out Stephanie’s…

Photo: Painting by Michelle H. Filer

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