Spaciousness: What Is It Exactly?



I’ve written a whole book about it.

It’s the guiding principle in my consultations. I teach about it in my classes and workshops. Without the quality of spaciousness there is no “clearing.”

Here’s what I say about it on Chapter 45:

“…There’s no telling what will emerge as a result of shedding all those skins of your former self. That is for you to discover as you continue on the clearing path. As the real––bigger––you emerges from the veil of stress and stuff it is likely that you will find yourself feeling and doing things you never felt or did before. Expanding into your natural state of being spacious has a way of making you feel more available and in the flow, as if life were living you instead of you living it.

You may notice that you don’t worry as much about the future or what people think as you did before, and your buttons don’t get pressed as often by people and events in your life. You may notice that as your attachments begin to lose their charge, your physical clutter becomes less of an issue and simply falls away, effortlessly.

You may experience your body – as I often do when I’m in my “spacious zone” – gliding through the day, free of friction or resistance, like that feeling you get when you’re sitting in one of those glider rocking chairs. You may experience physical changes such as greater ease in movement, a loss of excess weight, a clarity in your eyesight, a softening of your skin…yes, even a clearing of your sinuses!

You may observe longer stretches of quiet stillness between your thoughts, or profound openings of inspiration, or a deeper inner knowing that simply takes your breath away. You may notice that the world itself seems more sparkly and alive to you, revealing its divine mystery in tiny details you had never noticed before. Trees shine, people smile, miracles happen. Guess what? This is the world mirroring YOU back to you! Enjoy it. It’s just the beginning!” 

Excerpted from Your Spacious Self, pp. 184-185

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