
Spaciousness: What’s It Feel Like?

Last week I wrote about how spaciousness is like “gliding through the day, free of friction or resistance, like the feeling you get when you’re sitting in one of those glider rocking chairs.” **

Today’s posting is my free-association version on the topic; the moments where I feel most spacious…

or just different, in a good way.

In no particular order or level of importance, here’s what spaciousness feels like to me…

  • The feeling of effortless ease, like things working out perfectly without my having to try.
  • That feeling when all the green lights synch up perfectly when driving across town.
  • When my knees miraculously don’t hurt as I go down a set of stairs. It’s like I’ve been lubed and there’s suddenly a spring in my step that wasn’t there before.
  • On a more cosmic level it’s the “ultimate lube job” where nothing sticks, jangles, rankles, shakes me up, presses my buttons, hurts, perturbs…
  • That deeply satisfying feeling that comes after completing a huge multi-year project, like my book, or clicking the “Send” button on an article I’m submitting that I’m proud of…and took me forever to write.
  • A feeling of being really BIG, as in big-hearted; bigger than any worry, or drama, or attachment.
  • Getting into a warm bed after taking a hot salt and soda bath.
  • Feeling buoyant, like the feeling of floating in the sea at the most perfect temperature.
  • Working out to Kirk Franklin’s Nu Nation version of “Stomp” (Original Mix) or Jill Scott singing “Golden.”
  • When a huge, burly three-hundred year old tree stops me in my tracks and takes my breath away.
  • The wonder I feel when a delicate dragonfly lands on my shoulder.
  • Spontaneous, unmitigated, side-splitting, out-loud laughing. Repeat episodes of I Love Lucy do it to me every time.
  • Feeling held and supremely trusting in the Divine Order of things.
  • And just plain happy! Uncomplicated, clean burning, freeing, sparkly JOY!

What does spaciousness feel like to you? We’d love to hear your comments on the subject!

Photo: pdphoto.org

**Excerpt from Your Spacious Self, Chapter 45

Showing 4 comments
  • Mary

    Stephainie, this is so beautiful a discription of spaciousness. I love it, and I am feeling this kind of energy more and more these days. It is a Grace of sorts, a naturalness that fits perfectly with being in a limited physical body. Sort of like formless spirit energy entering into a glove and exploring the joy of discovering how many things one can do when you take on the shape of a hand. Thank you . Mary B.

  • kb

    seeing wild ducks on a little pond.
    colorful horses in winter fields
    feeling the subtle texture of energy under my hands on a horse or donkey
    standing next to a tree
    Smiling at a stranger eye to eye
    when I have time to sit and read

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  • […] yet, but you can bet it’s moved to the top of my buy list. I really love her definitions of spaciousness and what it feels like that she has posted on her blog. “Getting into a warm bed after taking […]

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