
It’s the name of my private teaching and consulting practice. You see I’m in the business of “healing” homes and the people who occupy them.

SpaceClear is the name of my Web site, a domain name I was lucky enough to grab years ago when I began my practice. The domain was available and I took it even though my business at the time was called “Sanctuary”–– a truer name for what I felt I am about.

Last night in the bathtub, where I do a lot of my noodling, I reflected on my official name for the first time ever. I realized that SpaceClear is more powerful and apt a name than I ever gave it credit for.

The “Space” part of SpaceClear represents the “Yin” or receptive aspect in all of us…the feminine, pure possibility, Mystery, infinite. It’s a noun. Space: It just is.

The “Clear” part of SpaceClear represents the “Yang” or active aspect in all of us…the masculine, it implies action, change, seeing…It’s an adjective and a verb as in: “I’m clear” or “It is clear” or “I clear.”

SpaceClear as a unified whole equals Balance.

Stop by and visit my Web site sometime: www.spaceclear.com.

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