This is Message #14 from my Free 30-Day Email Series. Enjoy! The mind is like a toddler with a short attention span who goes after anything interesting and reachable. After a few minutes, [...]
“All around us, Washington is glowing, not just from the flood lights and flash bulbs of thousands of people already here to watch history, but seemingly lit from within.”––Anderson Cooper [...]
There’s this really adorable movie on YouTube called Validation. It’s the story of a parking garage ticket validator whose mission it is to make people smile. I’ve seen it three [...]
“Life is 10 percent of what happens to you, and 90 percent of how you respond to it.” –Unknown Think of a time you experienced an “invasion” in your personal [...]
Dear Christmas Tree, I cried when Jay drove you away to the landfill today. I’m still weepy. I miss you. There’s a big hole in the living room where you once stood. I’m [...]
Channel surfing last night landed me on The DaVinci Code––the movie based on Dan Brown’s bestselling book starring Tom Hanks. Loved the book. A sputtery version of the movie, which [...]