The Feminine: She’s Back!


Channel surfing last night landed me on The DaVinci Code––the movie based on Dan Brown’s bestselling book starring Tom Hanks.

Loved the book. A sputtery version of the movie, which I’d seen on a plane once before, didn’t wow me, so I thought I’d give this thriller another chance.

What affected me about this movie wasn’t the nighttime chase scenes, the cavernous Louvre Museum and its bloody parquet floors, the ancient secret rituals, the creepy albino killer, the claustrophic Harvard professor and his pretty doe-eyed French companion, the big puzzle that kept getting bigger, Michelangelo’s masterpieces, or even the idea of Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ wife.

What affected (and surprised) me about this movie was less about a thing or a person, a lesson or a blood-line, but an actual feeling––an experience that came through fully-formed with a question:

What would it feel like to be truly receptive?

What would it feel like to completely soften, surrender, allow, trust, not know, not fix, not do, not make happen…but just “be”? To embody the sacred feminine in its purest sense: to bypass the churning mind and allow myself to be held and…to just receive.

What this movie awakened in me was a rich “Holy Grail experience” of pure space, spaciousness, aliveness…and grace.

Don’t know if anyone but me has had this experience from reading or seeing TheDaVinci Code, or if Dan Brown and Ron Howard are even aware of the potential of this story to bring us back into balance. I just know that a lot of wars have been fought to tamp down our human bigness and our innate wisdom.

I also know that the tide is changing. The Feminine is back. She’s showing up in all kinds of ways––including Hollywood thrillers.

And she’s yummy!!

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  • Jane

    I love that image: a “rich ‘Holy Grail experience’ of pure space, spaciousness, aliveness…and grace”. I actually had a sense of this after completing your free e-course, and was astonished by the clarity of vision–and, yes, grace–by just noticing “weather” and gently probing it. Stormy weather and pristine …. In reading your web site I note that you also are a Reiki practitioner, and that makes so much sense to me–that Reiki might be a weave within your Space Clearing … or certainly an inspiration.

    I am currently reading your book, and have written about meeting your book (so to speak!) in my own blog. I invite you to take a look at the post Synchronicity And Your Spacious Self at Cheers!

  • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

    Jane, I enjoyed visiting your blog site “Jane’s Medicine Tree” and loved what you wrote about my book and my journey. Thank you so much for your kind words that feel very affirming. Synchronicity indeed! Did you see the note I left on your blog’s doorstep…should I say tree branch?

    I thought it was pretty synchronistic that your comment came on the heels of my more recent posting about my Christmas Tree called “Farewell, Tree” (January 10, 2009). I wrote about saying goodbye to this amazing evergreen we’d enjoyed for the month and the unexpected wave of “grieving weather” I experienced. when we took it down. Your blog post and comments were just the “tree medicine” I needed!

    Thank you also for your kind words about my free e-course. I haven’t had time to tell people about this mini course. But I will at some point. I’m glad you found it helpful. Can I use your testimonial to tell other people about this freebie when I get around to promoting it?

    For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about, this free “baby online course” is designed to give you a direct experience of clearing as I teach in my workshops and write about in my book. It’s intended to help you cultivate what I call “spacious detachment.”

    The free mini course is located in its permanent home here: The actual pages can be found by clicking here:


    And thanks again for visiting, Jane.

    All best,

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