Clearing The Curse of a Wedding Veil

bridegroomThis is not the latest Nancy Drew mystery novel but a typical day at the “office” for yours truly.

Recently I was asked by a bride-to-be whether I could clear an antique veil – said to have been been worn by past generations of women whose marriages had ended badly.

Here’s the gist of her query: If I cleared the family heirloom of its “bad energy” (1) Would it fix the problem? (2) How could she be sure that the thing was cleared (read: would not wreck havoc on her own marriage)?

Welcome to my world of space clearing, where most of the work I do is energetic and invisible. A world where I don’t “fix” anything and where there are no guarantees about anything.

In a world where seeing is believing, space clearing is a tough sell.

Here’s what I do know after nearly forty years of experience: Clearing at the level that I work touches in ways we cannot predict or even imagine. It could be simply that a veil – which carries a lot of baggage in the form of memories, energetic charge, and fear – is brought into balance for the woman who will be wearing it.

But it could also be that the clearing ripples out to touch an entire lineage of women who wore the veil on their wedding days – even if these women have long since died. Or offer blessings to the brides who will wear it in the future.

It could be that the clearing brings healing energy to the marriages that have suffered or marriages yet to be.

Who knows. All I know is that when I enter into this mysterious world of clearing (things, people, and spaces) with a focused intention and no attachment to the outcome, something magical happens – something that transcends space and time.

It’s a moment of pure witnessing presence where everything changes.

I never did hear back from the bride. Too much to ask, I guess, when it seems that so much is riding on a train of vintage lace.

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