Pins and Needles of Letting Go

Have you ever held a tight fist for a long period of time and noticed that it becomes numb after a while, and then you don’t notice the pain anymore? When you begin to let go of the grip in your fist, you might not feel much at first and then the hand hurts!

Clearing clutter is like that. What you may experience as weather are the pins and needles of waking up after holding on for an entire lifetime!

lettinggoIt is not uncommon for intense contraction to follow on the heels of immense expansion after a period of conscious clutter clearing. These natural ebbs and flows are a regular feature in the clearing journey.

There are days in my life where I can feel extraordinarily spacious—like I’m gliding blissfully through life—only to wake up the very next day feeling like I was slugged by a sledge hammer.

Over time what most of us perceive as “bad” (uncomfortable, discouraged, not progressing…) has a way of shifting and disappearing altogether. Sometimes without notice. The trick is to stick with it. Keep your efforts small. Keep the practice simple.

It’s good to remember that feeling “good-bad-whatever”—without attachment—is clearing.

Here’s a baby-step clearing practice you can try this week: Next time you notice yourself going into a tailspin of worry, doubt, or fear, take one minute to fully experience the contraction without doing anything to fix or change the outcome. After sixty seconds notice if you feel differently. Notice if the initial tightening has eased.

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