Space Clearing: The Dazzling Effect

sun_auroraPart 2 of 7*

After almost two decades in the business of clearing spaces, I sometimes wonder why I didn’t get into feng shui, or interior design for that matter. These professions are so much more accessible to people (especially paying clients) and way “prettier” than space clearing. People come away seeing results. Seeing that something has changed.

Space clearing is profoundly mysterious. At times it is inscrutable, enigmatic, esoteric, unfathomable, unpleasant, or just plain weird.

What I experience is not always pretty. Some of the places I clear have seen a lot of pain and abuse. Like the tiny studio apartment which took me five hours to clear because of what happend there (don’t ask, you don’t want to know). We’re talking hazmat levels of disturbance.

So why do it?

If it weren’t for the fact that on the other side of this deep yuckiness is some of the most exquisite, jaw-dropping, sublime-certified yumminess I have ever known or experienced, I’d be so out of there. I would have dropped out years ago and gone into something more reasonable. I may never understand its inherent mystery of space clearing, but I love how it takes my breath away.

The more I do this work, the more I have come to respect how vital it is – not just for me personally, but for how it inspires us to relate differently to each other, our living spaces, and our planet.

If you’ve ever had an experience of awe – that incredible, altered-state, transcendental-like feeling that makes your heart sing, or an experience of stillness and quiet presence, or the feeling of spacious detachment where nothing perturbs or rattles – that is what it’s like for me when I’m in the “space clearing zone.”

I experience it in the brightening effect where the quality of light changes dramatically in a space – and we’re not talking sunlight changes or lightbulbs. I experience it in the way the clients look (much clearer, calmer, more sparkly and beautiful, more themselves).

By the end of the session nothing is the same as it was when I arrived three hours earlier. As I like to say to my clients on my way out the door: “Welcome to your new home!”

Coming up in my next post – Part 3: Space Clearing is ‘Loving Up’ a Place

*To see the Series overview, simply enter “Space Clearing” in the Search box in the upper right header

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  • Karen Johnstone

    Amen Sister! There is something so special about space clearing, on the one hand, seemingly quite a mysterious practice, yet a simple and beautiful gift of a genuinely open heart, with far-reaching benefits that go beyond the visibles and even the confines of time we think applies to a given situation or place being cleared.
    Today, as I looked at the early evening sky, which opened up in exquisite beauty after heavy and steady rain all day – the atmosphere looked like a brilliant crystal, the new growth on trees, cherry blossoms, daffodils and all the other spring goodies were absolutely luminous.

    I experience that kind of natural clarity after a space clearing too. It seems magic, and yet it is so simple: the beauty of the open and loving heart; that of the person who is open and ready, who makes that call, and you, the practitioner who shares this generous practice!

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