Space Clearing: There’s More Going On Than Meets the Eye

Woman gazing“The present moment is alive.”
Eckhart Tolle on ABC’s Nightline

Part 4 of 7 *

If you thought it was just you, your family and your pets that occupied your space, think again. There is way more going on in our homes than meets the eye.

Consider what happens when you’re gazing at the ocean from the beach. A few birds, waves crashing, people playing and walking their dogs. Not much happening you might say. Most people are rarely conscious of the fact that there’s this whole universe of activity deep below the surface of the water.

Our homes and workplaces are like a deep-sea experience: they are organic and alive places with a life force of their own. Though mostly invisible to us, our spaces are teeming and swirling with information all the time; energies that may or not feel friendly depending on who we are and how we relate to them.

Next time you’re in a big warehouse store, or standing in line waiting to be served or seated at a restaurant, or hanging out out in any public space, notice how you feel in the space. Do you feel the same or different than you did before you arrived? Do you feel energized or tired? What’s going through your mind? How’s your breathing? Is it shallow, is it full? Does it make a difference if you move to the other side of the space or the room?

Like those weather maps you see on the evening news, patterns of energy might register as calm and peaceful in certain areas in your home or workplace, while other spots might reveal more agitated and unsettled “low pressure” systems. Some areas can feel highly charged, while others more smooth and coherent–all within a few feet of each other. They can feel spacious or contracted, peaceful or disturbed, depending on how well all of us energies “get along.”

So what do some of these patterns look like? What are they, you might ask? As Butch Cassidy and Sundance queried as they were being followed in the Bolivian Andes: “Who are those guys?” Find out in my next post: Part 5 – “Space Clearing: Who Benefits?”

*To see the Series overview, simply enter “Space Clearing” in the Search box in the upper right header

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