Space Clearing: What is It Exactly?

Leaf on StoneYesterday I cleared a Zagat Award-winning Japanese restaurant in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts. This was not me helping the client sort and toss boxes from their storage area. Nor set up a nifty organizing and filing system. Nor give them strategies for how to improve the look and feel of their restaurant. All worthy practices that most everyone can relate to. What I did for them in three hours was much more invisible, intuitive, and mysterious than that.

So what is it that I do exactly when I’m called in to “space clear” a home or a workplace? I thought I might devote a few posts to this topic and shed light on my chosen––if not quite yet mainstream––profession.

I’m hoping that this series of (seven) bite-size segments will give you a new way to appreciate the spaces we inhabit, if not expand your understanding of the mysterious world in which we live. I’ll be posting these twice a week. [Btw, you can receive these posts automatically by email if you subscribe to this blog.]

Today…Part 1*

Space Clearing: What is It?

If you’ve ever heard of feng shui, an ancient practice of restoring balance through the art of placement, space clearing is the energetic equivalent. Where feng shui largely works with and is guided by the “visibles” in a space – that is, furniture, mirrors, fabric, color, doorways, and so on – space clearing is pure invisible work, at least in the way I experience and teach it.

Space clearing is a specialized practice of energetic clearing that harmonizes and balances the flow of energy in spaces at very deep levels. With a simple dowsing wire, I walk from room to room, tuning into disturbed “hot spots,” and clearing them as I go.

It’s kind of like acupuncture, where a needle is inserted to increase the flow of energy, release stuckness, and restore balance in the human body. In space clearing, the needle is me. What I’m “inserting” is pure compassionate awareness into the stressed and contracted areas of our environment.

Coming up in my next post – Part 2 – “Space Clearing: The Dazzling Effect”

If you’re curious about what space clearing looks like and why people hire me, I invite you to watch this three-minute TV segment that shows me clearing in action.

*To see the Series overview, simply enter “Space Clearing” in the Search box in the upper right header


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  • Mary

    I just read thru that series and I loved it. I too do a version of space clearing but mostly for my own home and land. I have a question for you. I understand that President Obama decided not to redecorate the Oval Office when he moved in, to save money. A good example, I think, but now I wonder if maybe old stuck energy left over from the Bush era is gumming things up and making it look ,in the 1st year of his presidency that it’s just a continuation of Bushs policies. Maybe you could volunteer to do an energy cleaning for him. And all the rest of us, since I would think the Capital building is owned by the American people. And whille you’re at it, do a real white tornado clean up in the rooms where the congress people do their work. Hec, why stop there? Do the Mall next. I mean really. I know this stuff works, I just don’t know what the ethical boundries are.

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