A Simple Clearing Practice You Can Do (Right Now)

“If this clearing technique doesn’t seem like it accomplishes very much, that’s because from the mind’s point of view, it doesn’t. This exercise is designed to access a deeper inner knowing that bypasses the mind altogether.”–sbv

As I’ve learned from nearly two decades of clearing the energetic clutter in peoples’ homes, the negative thoughts and emotions that humans generate don’t just go away or evaporate into some big hole in the sky.

Depending on its intensity, unconscious human off-gassing has a way of sticking around – literally – leaving behind a magnetic minefield for more negative thoughts, fears, and emotional patterns to stick to.

Not pretty.

Before you lose heart and order up another round of worry, consider that there is something you can do, like…right now. If you’re up for it, you can try this simple practice to release some of the stressful energetic build-up that is encoded in our things, thoughts, and living spaces:

One Minute Clearing

The first step is to close your eyes and notice how you’re feeling right in the moment. How does your body feel? Do your hands feel hot or cold…tingly, sweaty, clammy…? How about your feet? Are both feet on the floor? Do you feel grounded? Do you feel tired? Weary? Energized? Curious? Bored? What’s going through head?

How’s your breathing? Is it shallow? Is it full? Is your heart beating normally, or fast? Do you feel congested or clear?

Next, think of an issue or a person that presses your buttons, or something that’s been bothering you lately, a fear, a burden, a worry you just can’t seem to shake. Give this experience your full attention for thirty seconds or so without resisting or doing anything to fix or manage it. Don’t think too much. Just feel whatever comes up.

Okay, so what do you notice? What’s going through your mind? How’s your energy level?

How does your body feel now? More contracted? Less? Do your hands feel the same as they did before?

How’s your breathing? Is it the same or different?

If you hang out long enough with any kind of emotional weather pattern and allow yourself to feel the charge that comes with it, you might notice a corresponding sensation in your body.

If you’re like me, for example, watching or remembering something that is upsetting (like people screaming at each other), has a way of making me flinch and cringe. Sometimes I’ll feel a pang of nausea, teariness, or sudden dry mouth and thirst.

No matter how your body processes information swirling in the ether, if you can allow sensations to arise without resisting them, or personalizing them, or identifying them as “bad” or “good,” you may experience – by simply witnessing – a shift of some kind. A certain something that maybe wasn’t there before. Less intensity, perhaps. More breathing room. A greater sense of calm. Less congestion, less charge…

Awareness. It changes everything.

So how are you feeling at this very moment? The same as before? Different?

When you feel ready, I invite you to adopt the “advanced” version of this practice, which is to repeat the same exercise again tomorrow. And the next day. And every day until the issue that plagues you loses its charge and begins to melt away altogether.

See if this simple daily practice doesn’t lead to new clarity, an inner spaciousness, and/or shifts in your life that you never dreamed imagined possible…

Let us know in the comment box how it goes!

If you could use more inspiration, practical tips, and clearing support – for your home, head, and heart – I invite you to check out my books: Your Spacious Self is the foundation for a whole new, simpler way to clear; and A Year to Clear is the journey.


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  • solange

    Clearing is a very powerful tool …
    I do practice the cleansing of body and mind, clearing my life path to a powerful joyful moments.

    This is a very beautiful page, I am happy that I found you.
    Love and light

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely reply! So glad to be “found.” 😉
      Blessings and happy clearing!

  • Deborah

    I’m new to this as of tonight. I signed up on DailyOM for the 28 day course, but listened to the Clear in a Year video and wondered if I signed up for the wrong course. Is the 28 day an abbreviated course? Is it best to start with this then do the 365 day course? Just curious. Thanks, starting the process in the morning. Good night.

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hello Deborah! So glad you were moved to sign up for one of my courses. Though both courses are self-standing and can be taken in either order, the 28-day course is a good start and introduction to my “slow drip” methods that I teach and write about in my book YOUR SPACIOUS SELF. It is not an abbreviated version of the longer one.

      Once you have some of the principles under your belt, the 365-day course is a great way to integrate and practice these principles. “A Year to Clear” is the journey that will deepen your daily practice.

      Hope this helps. Happy clearing!

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