3 R’s of Clutter Clearing: Raise, Release, Reveal


“What you are is what you have been.
What you will be is what you do now.”


“If I had to summarize in three words the essence of the clearing path as I’ve experienced it…it would be these: Raise, release, reveal.

I call them “my three R’s.” Clearing raises awareness.Clearing releases attachments. Clearing reveals a spacious part that’s been there all along. The three fit together as an organic whole: The more aware we become about the places we hold on, the more likely we are to let them go. The more we let go, the more spacious we feel. The more spacious we feel, the easier it is to clear the next thing or issue.

Sound good?

If it were that simple there would be no need for a book like mine. You could stop right now and go “do” clearing. The thing is, clutter has no concept of simple. The clearing path is messy and meandering and full of unexpected surprises. Clearing clutter is not just something we do, like taking a class or going on a diet. It is a journey that is nearly impossible to measure, quantify, or even describe…”

–Excepted from: Your Spacious Self: Clear Your Clutter and Discover Who You Are, Preface, p.xv

Stephanie Bennett Vogt © All Rights Reserved

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