Changing Our Story Around Money

What you’re living is the (temporary, in the moment) indicator of your vibration.

This YouTube video says it better than I ever could. It’s very funny too! The way Abraham-Hicks portrays the nonstop (and annoying) chatter of the Monkey Mind is priceless!

I found myself laughing and cringing at the same time – aware of the tightness in my body as I listened to (what felt like) a staccato pummeling of repetitive fear thoughts. At times it got so intense I could barely think straight, let alone enjoy the beautiful slide-show which accompanies the message. It reminded me of an earlier post I wrote called “Awareness Changes Everything.” In it I share this line by Eckhart Tolle: “Around 99% of our thoughts are repetitive, and habitual. And most of those are negative.”

What happens to you when you watch the video with total awareness? How does it feel?

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  • Nancy G. Shapiro

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. The perfect reminder at the perfect time. Happy Fourth! a big hug from your SMA spirit sister

  • Danick Jawer

    Great reminder of what really matters, thank you my dear for posting this!

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