Soak in Salt and Soda

Part 3 of 5

Here is a wonderful remedy to help you integrate deep clutter clearing work – or any time you feel jangled, stuck, or plain fried after a long day. This remedy came to me from a healer and colleague, Desda Zuckerman, who adapted it from Edgar Cayce.

Taking a Salt and Soda Bath or Shower is the third way to ease the side-effects of clearing clutter.*

Here’s how it works:

  • Combine equal parts coarse sea salt (not Epsom Salt) with Arm and Hammer Baking Soda.
  • For a shower, [after you’ve shampooed, soaped and rinsed off] make a paste in your palm and rub it all over your body, including your hair, and shower off.
  • For a bath, just pour into the tub and soak.
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s a cup to a cup or a teaspoon to a teaspoon, as long as it’s equal parts of sea salt and soda.

I buy my coarse sea salt in bulk at my local natural food store, and the baking soda in the 10-pound bag they sell at Costco. Both last me a long while. I mix a four-cup batch at a time (2 cups of each) in a jar and keep it next to the tub. Both salt and soda have a way of absorbing all kinds of unsavory energies, so make sure the bags you store are well sealed.

Next up: “Refresh (and Beautify) with Water.”

*This is the third installment in a five-part series on easing the side-effects of clutter clearing. Here are the other posts and their sequence to help you support a successful clearing practice:

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