Ten Ways to Feel Better Fast


The list below comes from an article I wrote called “Self-Care and Clutter Clearing Go Together: Ten Ways to Lighten Up by Feeling Good.” What I love about these simple practices is that you can do any one in less than 60 seconds. The idea being that the more you do, the lighter you feel.

What makes you feel lighter? What is one thing you can do in one minute (or less) that helps you feel better right away?

Feel free to share your ideas in the comment box below. Or join me and others at my Facebook Page, designed to explore questions that support us all in feeling spacious, nourished, and clear.


  1. Do at least one thing that makes your heart sing (read: love madly, adore) every day.
  2. Listen to one fabulous song that is guaranteed to lift your spirits.
  3. Light a candle and set an intention.
  4. Take a “salt and soda” bath or shower (equal parts of coarse sea salt and Arm and Hammer baking soda).
  5. Clap, dance, rattle, sing––anything to awaken the senses.
  6. Repeat the phrase “I choose ease,” every time you think of it and notice how your body responds.
  7. Remove the word “should” from your vocabulary. Replace it with the word “could.”
  8. Talk to or spend time with someone who is cheerful, optimistic, and supportive.
  9. Avoid negative or sensational media and notice what it feels like after one week of “news fasting.”
  10. Read or watch something every day that makes you laugh out loud.

Author’s Note: This post originally appeared as an article in Diva Toolbox online magazine as “Self-Care and Clutter Clearing Go Together: Ten Ways to Lighten Up by Feeling Good” by Stephanie Bennett Vogt.

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