An Intention Experiment

Greece path

In keeping with the theme of increasing abundance, attracting what you most desire, and raising the energy of the planet, I offer this invitation from Dr. Joe Vitale to anybody for whom it resonates. It was passed along to me by a colleague*:

I am looking for people all over the world to help lift the energy of the planet. With enough people practicing the Attractor Factor, and using the meditation I plan to teach below, we can reduce crime, lower violence, and raise the wealth and prosperity of everyone near us…

I got the idea for this rather noble project while reading Permanent Peace: How To Stop Terrorism and War – Now and Forever by Robert Oates. That book reveals nineteen scientific studies that proved when groups of people meditate, the crime and violence in their area goes down. Oates writes:

“The basic idea is simple to state: Like ripples on a pond radiating outward from a pebble’s splash, ripples of orderliness and harmony radiate outward from concentrated groups of meditation experts. And the evidence for this idea has been repeated and statistically significant. Not only do signs of social disorder go down – such as violent crime, fires, traffic accidents, warfare, and terrorism – but signs of coherence and progress go up. Patent applications, for example, stock market levels, and economic indicators have all been shown to rise.”

Notice his last sentence. It suggests that meditation helps increase wealth. With that in mind, I decided to create a global set of “hubs” where people learn how to meditate to intentionally attract wealth. The idea is, the more you help yourself, the more you also help those around you. And as you help them, you help the planet.

This is the noble purpose of the Intentional Meditation Foundation. It is a non-profit foundation designed to teach a specific meditation technique to people all over the globe…At the core of this movement is a 30-day event I’m calling The Experiment.

Read more and learn Dr. Vitale’s simple meditation technique

If it resonates, try it. I’d love to hear how it goes for you!

*With special thanks to  spiritual coach and author, Janice Masters, for passing along the info.

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