Our Face Tells the Story


There’s no hiding our past. Our joys and our sorrows, our past and our present is all there for everyone to see – etched in our face.

Wrinkles, dimples, crooked chins, deep-set eyes, big noses, pointy noses, wide foreheads… tell the whole story. Our face reveals a wealth of information, and can be read like a map. With the application of principles from the specialized branch of Chinese medicine called Face Reading you can learn a lot about yourself and others simply by holding up the mirror.

Colleague and dear friend, Jean Haner, brings this 3,000-year old practice to life in her fabulous book The Wisdom of Your Face [Hay House]. With photos, simple explanations, and her gentle, non-judging style, she goes about decoding the nooks and valleys of the face, while helping the reader embrace the natural aging process and redefine beauty.

Those little lines next to the eyes that some people call crow’s feet? They’re joy lines. According to Jean, they are the sign of an open heart. “You get them from smiling at other people. These are wrinkles we want to get.”

To learn more and watch Jean in action offering insight and practical tips, check out these videos, or visit her Web site.

For a brief and fascinating analysis of Michael Jackson’s face, click where it says:  Jean Reads Michael Jackson’s Face. [It’s the video on the 3rd line.]


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