
I love the simplicity of venturing out every week to the local CSA farm where we get our produce.

Tromping through the fields to gather fresh flowers, pick raspberries (which never make it past the car ride home), feel the smooth, shiny skins of the chili peppers, allow the wafting scents of cilantro to transport me. I wrote about my new love affair with the farm in a post entitled Fresh, Alive, Real…Food.

Mostly what I love in my weekly communions with these plants and vegetables, is the immediate calming effect they have on me. No matter what kind of day I’m having, it seems that I’m always brought back to my center; welcomed, embraced, nurtured. It’s like this unassuming patch of land knows me. And I’m home, doing this simple and ancient thing of gathering.

Gathering my food. Gathering flowers. Gathering my thoughts. Gathering the parts of myself that have gone missing or astray…. Gathering as in “re-member-ing.”

The plants don’t care that I look like a mess. Or that I’m completely fried. Or that the container I use to haul our weekly bounty is an old plastic laundry basket. They seem glad to have me back no matter what.

The fields are yellow and brown now, and the farm closes for the season this week. I’m going to miss it.

It’s down time now. Time to gather in a different way. Like gather firewood. Gather by the fire…

and remember.

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  • Eileen S. Tuttle

    I really love your posts Stephanie! This one is touching a place deep in me. It’s time to hunker down for the winter. Be still and go inside and gather what’s been there all along and ready to be revealed. I don’t particularly like the winter months but lately I’m feeling so good that I’m actually welcoming the season this year. What will be gathered this year? What ever it is I’m open to it! Thank you! XOXO~Eileen~

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Thank you, Eileen! It means a LOT to receive your feedback and comment! Sometimes it’s hard for me to know how my posts are touching readers (or not), and brief little comment really helps to build the energy on a given topic. You’re welcome to pipe in any time!

      Believe it or not, it’s been almost a year since I started this blog and I don’t have a very good sense yet what kinds of posts are most moving for people. Maybe I’ll blog on that! 😉

      So, if anyone out there is reading this and feels like weighing in, I’d love to know which posts have been most valuable to you. What would nourish you right now on the subject of spaciousness?

      I’m all ears!

  • Karen Johnstone

    This is lovely to reflect on – especially now that we’re full force into Fall. The pleasure of gathering: food, family, friends, pumpkins, candy, favorite sweaters and scarves for those chilly days ahead. A time of generosity, gathering and integrating… also a time for gathering one’s wits after active and lively summertime busyness. A different facet of clearing – and so essential: integration and centering! Thank you Stephanie!


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