Flaming June by Lord Frederic Leighton

Flaming June by Lord Frederic Leighton

It’s the name of a book I bought on pure impulse. And desire.

Permission to Nap. I love the title. It’s so luxurious. It captures the essence so much better than the Spanish word “siesta.” Which sounds like fiesta.

Permission to Nap: Taking Time to Restore Your Spirit by Jill Murphy Long is not just about sneaking in a few Zs. It’s way more. It’s about nourishment, and honoring the self. It’s about making space for downtime. Slow time. Soul time.

It’s a sensory feast.

The benefits of napping of course are well documented. It restores balance to the body, boosts the immune system, promotes longevity, and it beautifies. My personal favorite: Guilt-free napping is just plain delicious. It feels good.

The artwork, the quotations, the “Luxurious Nap Recipes” makes this book a pure yummy delight. Even if you don’t practice everything Murphy Long suggests, just having the book on your beside table as a reminder is reason enough to own a copy.

What do you say, how about making a little time today to close the eyes?

Or just do nothing.

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