Forecast for Our Times: Opportunity to Let Go

Third Eye

I’m not an astrologer, forecaster, or an diviner of the future. But readings which offer perspective and practical insight about the times in which we live get my attention.

Based on what I’m seeing out in the world right now – from climate changes and financial uncertainty, to longtime marriages breaking up – I think we humans could use a little extra guidance (and in some cases, a gentle nudge), in how to ride the bumpy waves of change. There’s a tremendous opportunity too I think, to wake up like never before.

In that spirit I offer the (somewhat long) excerpt below from a newsletter someone sent me recently. The bold highlights are mine in case you don’t have time to read the whole thing right now. And if it’s still too long to digest, here are the cliff notes version [my words] – which (surprise, surprise) sound a lot like the message of my book 😉

It’s a powerful and exciting time to let go of what isn’t serving you. Show up, pay attention, shift your focus, be discerning with how you use your time, let go of what doesn’t support you, invite wonder, be open to miracles, nurture yourself.

The Power Path – December Forecast 2009

Some things you could experience:

  • A rich dream life full of encounters with people from the past, people you don’t know but seem familiar and people in the present.
  • A feeling in your gut that feels like dread or fear but we are suggesting you shift your perception of it slightly to feel like excitement and anticipation of something wonderful about to happen.
  • People from your past resurfacing all of a sudden needing to communicate or to connect.
  • Thinking about people or events of the past, memories surfacing from way back in childhood of events that may need some recapitulation.
  • Being grumpy and agitated when your stuff is activated; others being grumpy and stubborn when their stuff is activated. Use the moving center; take a break, go out and walk. Stay out of judgment, blame, regret, disappointment and stubbornness.
  • Lots of magic and miracles and things happening in ways you could never have imagined. You just need to know exactly what you want, set an intention and then give it over to spirit as a mystery and get out of the way. You also have to be willing and ready when what you want comes urgently knocking. If you don’t know exactly what you want, start with what you don’t want and be very certain about that. Spirit will then fill in the blanks.
  • Too many things falling on your plate at the same time with no ability to get it all done. This is where you prioritize. Ask what is an obligation as opposed to a responsibility as opposed to something for you. Obligations are usually for someone else and it is OK to say no (like doing the dishes or keeping a social obligation). Responsibilities are things you will need to get done because you signed up for them. (Caring for children, writing the forecast, going to work, and doing the shopping). Things that come up that will increase your own well being, joy and happiness are worth putting at the top of the list (spiritual practice, making time for an old friend, taking a walk, getting a massage).
  • It is so important this month to stay out of the frenzy of obligation. Look at your patterns and habits of how you have done things in years past and do it differently. There will always be something that can wait until tomorrow and something that really can’t. And there will always be something that you can eliminate because it is not important. Pay attention to the things that come easily and are dealt with easily. They are being activated for a reason. Also pay attention to the things that are cracking open, falling apart, breaking down and literally giving up the ghost. This is being activated also for a reason. Pay attention and keep moving forward. Don’t look back.

What is not useful [and what IS useful – highlighted in bold by Stephanie]:

  • Needing to be right. Arguing about what the truth is. Trying to get others to see it your way.
  • Being stubborn about how you think things should be or go.
  • Re hashing the past with judgment, regret or blame. If you visit the past, do it from a place of recapitulation, acceptance and forgiveness and let it go.
  • Judging yourself for feeling chaotic spaced out and overwhelmed. Welcome to December, enjoy the time warps, be a little nuts.
  • Trying to control the timing of things and the schedule of your lists. If you are a control freak, you could be in deep trouble this month as we move into a creative cycle of re-inventing everything. Be flexible. Rigidity is never a good idea. Be willing to change plans and to give something up for something better. Trust spirit and stay out of disappointment and attachment.
  • Living in the past. Not useful. Be present or you will miss something important right in front of your nose.
  • Dreading the future. Be excited instead. Meet it head on.
  • Ambivalence and inability to decide and to choose. This will only lead to depression, anxiety and lethargy. During this month no choice is a bad one. If it is wrong you will know it almost immediately and can make another one. Watch for synchronicity and make your choices from the place of what is showing up easily and right in front of you. Go for change, go for action.
  • Hiding. Get out and go, be with others, follow the thread of what is connecting you with your community and those that you need to connect with. Say yes to what is showing up as long as it does not overwhelm you under the yolk of obligation.

–From December Forecast  2009:

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  • Eileen

    Very nice! I’m feeling quite a bit of this happening in my life right right now! Thanks so much for the reminder to be gentle with myself! You’re the best, Stephanie!

  • Martha

    This is great, thanks. Astrologers that try to forecast do so at their own peril. Nothing is written, just energies telling stories of many potentialities, higher and lower octaves, all leading to the same place in the end.

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