

“Become a powerful visionary.”

“Do not give your precious energy to a dying past.”

“Face the brilliance of your most wonderful creations.”

Gorgeous. Hopeful. Moving. Below is one of the best video messages I’ve seen of what we might expect this year.. and beyond. Enjoy!

“A sneak-preview of life’s coming attractions for the “mighty” year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown. All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of The Sedona Journal. The [sound] track is called, “Amazing” and the band is “One Eskimo.” –Summary on YouTube

Photo: “You have to have a dream to have a dream come true” – from Bing Images/ Dreams

Showing 4 comments
  • Patti


  • Eileen

    Goosebumps, tingling and total excitement running all through my body!! And so it is!

  • Tiger

    future is going to be bright ..

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