
Some time today when you make a mistake (or goof up, or do something embarrassing, or get angry with yourself, or feel guilty about something), use it as an opportunity to do nothing about it.

That is: no fixing, no changing, no improving, no managing… no nothing.

Your task is simply to allow the mistake to exist as a fully-formed, perfect expression of imperfection.

If you go into spasms of guilt or remorse or second-guessing, just notice it simply as weather passing through you. Another good data point.

If you forgot an important appointment, or to return an important call, or the brand new white blouse came out blotchy purple from the dryer. Your response will be the same: nothing.

Just observe. And allow. Hang out with the feelings.

As for me in this moment, it’s letting go of the fact that I didn’t check my phone messages in time to know that one of my best friends is in town briefly from Italy. It’s snowing. She leaves tomorrow, and it’s likely I won’t get to see her at all. I’m “being with” me being bummed.

Detachment is a powerful practice that invites us to witness. To watch the show unfold instead of getting caught up in it…

To unplug from our stories and dramas to the degree that we are able and take nothing personally – or too seriously.

While you’re at it, have some fun with this!

p.s. If you enjoyed this message, you might like my 30-Day Email Message Series. It’s free!

Cartoon Credit: Bing Images/Non-doing – alextherapie

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  • Karen Johnstone

    Its a brave thing to just be with those feelings, with compassion for yourself and the feelings and w/o judgment. Even letting go of “being brave” eventually goes with the ebb and flow of being present – “not doing” 😉

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Be-ing with feelings (when they don’t feel too good) is definitely the challenge. Brave indeed!

      And with time and spacious detachment, the quality of “needing to be brave” changes.

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