

For such a little word, it lingers and expands if you say it out loud.

Repeat it slowly – with awareness – and you might even feel your nervous system relax.

Insert the phrase “I choose ease” into any daily routine, or a difficult situation, and you may notice the feeling of “expanding into” other wonderful sensations.

Try saying it right now…

“I choose ease…”

Cultivating ease is that simple.

Photo Credit:  Bing Images

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  • Patti

    Our minds are very powerful – we often forget that. We can heal our own bodies and manifest the direction of our lives. And yet, we forget that we can choose our emotional state as well. We don’t need to be “victims” of our feelings of fear or stress or whatever it is at the moment.

    Today, I choose ease!

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hear, hear, sister!

      Can it be so simple? You bet. The mind doesn’t have a clue about ease and simplicity. All it knows is drama.

      Like a toddler we can bring the mind back to the quiet center. Again and again… until it gets how easy it is to choose ease.

  • Lynne Wogan

    thanks for the encouragement Stephanie…I choose ease..however…so far this year it hasn’t been THAT easy making it a reality…but now I have a mantra..I choose ease….and continue to practice. Your coaching is helpful.

    This is cute, I saw it on my facebook posted by a mother taking her three kids on an interstate trip right after I chose Ease as my word of the year: It’s Easy Peazie Lemon Squeezie,

    …apparently an old saying that helps lighten things up a bit..

    Lynne Wogan

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Easy Peazie Lemon Squeezie. I LOVE it!

      I challenge anyone to say it without smiling. 😉

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