Clearing a Space after a Person Dies

I was invited to clear an apartment recently belonging to woman who had suffered and died of ovarian cancer. The two women handling her estate called me in because they felt that the space did not feel good to them and they hoped to be able to sell it quickly and easily. One of them felt ill every time she entered the space.

Symptoms of unease or illness resulting from time spent in a “sick house” is something I can relate to.  Years ago, before I knew there was such a thing as space clearing, I too would feel the effects of an stressed environment. I’d feel something resembling the flu every time I’d visit my uncle’s house in Texas, for example, unaware that there was something intensely funky (i.e. unloved and unhealed) going on in his house.

Now I know that “unhappy” spaces can make people feel uncomfortable, or worse, feel sick. Why and how they get that way is another story [to which I’ve devoted an entire series of posts beginning here*].

Spaces are not unlike people. They get stressed and gummed up.

But back to the apartment. What I loved about this particular space-clearing session was the love and compassion that my clients showed for their friend. Their intentions for our session were so beautiful that I asked if I could share them here.

Here’s what they wrote as their intentions for the space clearing:

  • That [our friend] be set free and cleared of past attachments that may be binding her psyche.  May she be fully released into her divine Self.
  • That this Space be fully cleared of any psychic debris left by her and her past associations – may this space be released into its natural divine radiance.
  • May this Space sell at an excellent price, quickly, and in a seemless and harmonious fashion.
  • May the new inhabitants experience health, peace and a bright future.
  • May each and every person who has done any work in this Space be fully released and cleared of anything they may have picked up or brought into this Space that is other than perfect radiance and Love.

The space clearing ended up – as always – being way more than the “job” of preparing a space for the next people.

It was a beautiful honoring of a home. It was an honoring of one person’s life and the time she spent there. It was an honoring of the lives of the occupants who came before her, and an honoring of lives of the people who will follow.

I call it a win-win-win times infinity. The beneficial ripple effect of bringing love and awareness into a space, no matter how stressed and unhappy it is, is unfathomable.

And here’s the other thing:  we don’t have to die to honor a home and our place in it.

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  • Ness Jacobson

    Hi Stephanie,

    I’m wondering if you could help me out.

    I performed a space clearing to a home where the tenants felt sick afterwards. I’ve never has this experience before. The house has had a very intense history: built as a hurricane shelter, then occupied by the cocaine cowboys in Miami, then a corrupt mayor, etc…I wonder if the space clearing activated something. I’m not sure. I will come back again next week and do another round. The women had her friend join in (even though i told her it’s best to have only those people living in the house.) Also, the owners 13 year old daughter was very resistant and told me she didn’t believe in the work and that she doesn’t want to move to another home. They have been through 4 already in a short period of time. Do you have any recommendations for me?

    Thanks so much,


  • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

    Hi Ness,

    Sorry for the long delay in responding to your comment. I have been in the middle of finishing and publishing my book. I hope by the time you read this that the energies have calmed down for your clients.

    It sounds like this house has had a lot of disturbing influences. I could write a whole book about the intricacies of spaces and their occupants. In my longtime experience, I have seen and experienced it all… and not all pleasant I must say. 😉

    It basically boils down to the ability of the practitioner to hold a space of pure compassionate awareness for the home and the occupants. To the degree that you are not attached to the disturbing effects, nor the outcome of your efforts, is when the energies of the home will begin to calm and find a new, more balanced and coherent frequency for everyone who has had any connection with the property (past, present, and future). And the cool part is: we can all change how a place feels by releasing our personal fears and worries that are locked into the place.

    If you would like to learn how I do this, and how to detach and practice being more of a witnessing presence for your clients, I am teaching a Space Clearing workshop in April 2013 at the New England School of Feng Shui. I don’t offer this program very often. You can learn more about this course here:

    My aforementioned book YOUR SPACIOUS SELF, too, offers many opportunities to practice letting go, and being “bigger than” the issues and spaces that challenge us. You can learn more about it here:

    Hope this helps.

    Happy clearing!


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