Homes are Like Us

When I read the Preface to a wonderful little book called Being Home by Gunilla Norris, I realized that my love of doing repetitive housekeeping tasks, like washing the dishes or putting away the [...]

Secret to Clearing Anything

“We can only clear to the degree that we are willing to feel our feelings.” –sbv If you took a workshop with me, you ‘d learn that to clear anything – from a messy desktop to [...]

Going with the Flow

“Nothing that you want is upstream….The stream of well-being is a powerful stream… When your stream is moving fast, and you’re not flowing with it, it’s beating you [...]

Taking the High Road

Here’s what I’m wondering today: What helps you move from that place I call “Not-knowing”… to… Knowing…? You know… that crossroad-y place we find [...]