
Calling all Spacious Friends


Everybody is invited!

….To take this moment to stop, take a nice, easy breathe in… and a slow emptying breath out…

…and consider that…

  • With just one click you can help me raise awareness about why most clutter clearing efforts do not last.
  • With just one click you help transform clutter clearing from a tedious exercise in throwing things away, to a gentle journey of letting go.
  • With just one click you help me advance to the Top 25 in the Next Top Spiritual competition and share my SPACIOUS message with the world!

To “Vote for Vogt” one last time*, see my spiffed-up profile page,  share a comment, and receive a free “One-Minute Clearing Tip Sheet,” go to: www.spaceclear.com/Vote.

[*This means voting once again in Round 2 if you voted for me before]

Thank you for joining me in this joyful enterprise. Your support means a lot!

And while you’re at it, I invite you to take one minute to clear … just one thing, one pile, or one area in your home or office. 😉

Happy clearing!

In gratitude, Stephanie

p.s. If you’d like to read about how I got into this contest in the first place, check out my last post: “Listening to the the Nudges.”

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