Secret to Clearing Anything


“We can only clear to the degree that we are willing to feel our feelings.” –sbv

If you took a workshop with me, you ‘d learn that to clear anything – from a messy desktop to the disturbing influences of an ecological disaster – you would have to enter a sometimes scary zone called feeling.

This might result in some buttons getting pressed if there is any resistance or a strong attachment to the outcome of the thing or issue being cleared.

I know of no other way to reduce emotional charge than to allow the dark, messy, irrational feelings to arise fully and completely. Clearing by thinking it through, fixing, analyzing, sorting into neat piles… is not enough.

So, when you are asked to “feel your feelings” as part of the clearing process in my world, what it means exactly is this:

  1. Allow any emotional weather—be it stormy or clear—to pass through to the extent that you can handle it.
  2. Experience this information through your physical and non-physical senses. If it’s clammy hands, notice them. If it’s resistance, experience it. If it’s nausea, allow it. If it’s tears, shed them. If it’s shame, embrace it.
  3. And finally (this is key), don’t identify, own, or take any of it personally. Allow it to be a passage of weather as information and feedback, nothing more.

This is clearing as a practice at the deepest level. The heart level. The only part of us that is bigger than the clutter.

–Excerpted in part from Your Spacious Self.

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