Clearing the Residue of Previous Occupants


How many times have you gone into a big warehouse store feeling just fine and come out totally depleted? Or, maybe you’re standing in the checkout line of your supermarket and suddenly feel a wave of emotion, like depression, worry about money, anxiety—something you weren’t feeling before? Perhaps you walk into a room and feel disturbed for no particular reason. The fact is, most of the stress we feel in our lives isn’t even ours!

I cleared a space recently for a client who was just coming out of a failed relationship. She had just moved into a 1875 New England farm house and wanted her home to support a fresh start in her life. She hoped that I could release any energies that might negatively influence her, particularly the furniture – which she had purchased on Craigslist and might still be carrying the energetic residue of previous occupants.

It just so happens that I had a three-person camera crew following me around that day. The 90-second snippet, courtesy of the producer Portland Helmich, does not nearly capture the intricacies of this elegant and simple work of restoring balance to a living space, but it will give you a flavor.

p.s. In the footage I describe space clearing as something like “acupuncture for the home.” What you don’t hear is me saying the next part: “What I ‘insert,’ instead of a needle, is pure awareness… and spacious detachment.” Learn more.


If you’d like to learn more about the intuitive art and science of Space Clearing – and what it is I’m doing with that weird little wire you see in the video – I invite you to read a series of short posts I wrote on the subject. It starts with Space Clearing: What Is It Exactly?

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