Summer 2010 – When in Rome

having a coffee

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.” -Rumi

I just returned from a glorious two-weeks in France and Italy, compliments of dear friends who invited us, and many frequent-flyer miles that were just waiting to be used.

Less than three weeks ago, this trip was not even in our dreams as a possibility.

The ease with which this opportunity came to be is a story in itself, beginning with a last-minute invitation to spend a week in Provence, and an evening dining at one of the most fabulous restaurants in Paris – on top of the Eiffel Tower, no less!

After considering it (for about three seconds), we cash in our miles and successfully book our flight at the height of summer travel season. Two days later I’m on the phone with another dear friend who happens to be married to the US Ambassador to Italy (and lives in one of the most beautiful villas in Rome). “I’m free… just come!” she says. In less than one hour I change my return flight at no cost, get a better seat assignment than the one I had, and book a side-trip to Rome

I’m thinking: Is this for real? Can it get any better than this…?! Two invitations drop down from the heavens, like ripe fruit.

The trip was every bit as magical (and unreal) as it sounds. And one that I will remember and treasure always.

Sometimes gifts like these do fall unexpectedly in our laps. We just need to allow… and be ready to act on them.

May your summer be ripe with effortless ease and pleasant surprises!

Enjoy the rest of this quarterly newsletter by clicking the link below.

Summer 2010: When in Rome

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  • Rebecca

    What a great trip story, Stephanie! Isn’t life amazing it’s allowed to surprise us!

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