Making Friends with Food & Eating (= Clearing)

Cupcakes 2

“It’s the desire—not its fulfillment—that nourishes you, because it’s the language of your heart. When you listen to that language, you hear your self.”–Geneen Roth

If you saw my little One-Minute Clearing video clip, you might recall my saying this:

“Here’s the thing about clearing: It is really not about the “doing” at all. It is not about the issue or the outcome. It is how you experience the exercise; how you process it; how you feel it. It is allowing yourself to fully experience the [clearing] activity through your senses – noticing your resistance… or the energy moving through… or whatever comes up… That is the magic of clearing; it is allowing all of [your sensations to arise]  without fixing them or managing them, or judging them as good or bad.”

I came across a wonderful article by Geneen Roth on recently. If you change the language from “clearing” to “eating,” I could swear she is saying the same thing:

“It’s not the cupcakes, it’s not the potato chips, it’s not the chocolate cake. If you give yourself permission to want without judging or dismissing your desires as crazy, you too have the power to return yourself to what you want most: the center of your own stunning, tender, radiant heart.” Read more.

– Excerpted from “The Cupcake Dialogues,”

Bottom line: It’s not about the food – or the clutter – but how you relate to it. Connect with the desire. Make friends with the struggle. Give yourself permission. Allow the feelings… And you may discover a sweetness – like none you’ve ever tasted.

Photo: Bing Images/Cupcakes

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