In Praise of Spending Time Alone


If you could have a day or a weekend just for your self, what would you do?

After spending a weekend watching my two selves battling each other – i.e. delighted self vs. worried self [that I’ve lost my social mojo] – someone posted an affirming video link on Facebook called “How to be alone.” It’s a fabulous ode to making (and taking) time for your self.

The truth is I love spending time alone. And I need it, like a plant needs water and sun.

Last week I spent three days restoring two rooms that had been emptied for a much-needed paint job. The smallest of the two rooms housed our entire library of books (read: hundreds of dusty tomes, some of which that have not seen the light of day in 16 years).

So I got to do my favorite thing:  play my stereo really loud and redecorate, which, for me means thinking about each item (do I love it? will I use it again?) and placing things… changing my mind… and placing them anew. I needed every second of all three days to complete the task in a way that was fun, and honored my measured and organic process.

I hope that you have the luxury to spend time alone doing something you love – and loving it without hesitation.  If you need a little inspiration to get started, this wonderful video might help.

P.S. A few days after I posted this, I received an email from Simon Owen who had recently gotten the chance to interview the creative duo behind this video. Learn more about Andrea Dorfman, Tanya Davis, and how this video came to be.

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