Praise for Your Spacious Self

Your Spacious Self – BookI love pleasant surprises.  I got a really nice one the other day in the form of an unsolicited review for my book.

This one is by someone named Austin S. on Goodreads. I don’t know who Austin is, but I’m grateful for the time he took to write about my book, and what it has meant to him.

Here’s what he wrote:

Jul 29, 2010

Austin S. rated it: 5 of 5 stars

bookshelves: kindle-books, must-reads, therapy-ish-self-help

“[Your Spacious Self] is decluttering book that actual got me over the hump and I’ve been able to both implement *sustainable* practices and get more decluttering done in the last three weeks than I have in the last three years. This isn’t “binge cleaning” reminiscent of diets (which all know by now do not work), but a soulful look at clearing space physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.

I’ve even expanded the decluttering to social/professional realms and am anticipating mind-blowing effects. Many of the principles are not unique (e.g., only keep things you love or need and have a home); others are so simple (e.g., putting one thing away for a week) yet completely transformative. Making space is presented as a lifelong marathon and you are given useable tools to make space for your self and your soul for the long haul, not just for this weekend. I promise reading this will change your life. However, it may lead to letting go of things, people, and/or situations that you didn’t even know didn’t serve you.

“I promise reading this will change your life.”

Thank you, Austin!  This means a lot.

If you’ve read Your Spacious Self and found that it has supported you, please share it in the comment box. I LOVE hearing from readers and learning how this book is making a difference in your life.

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