(Clean) Windows to the Soul

Windows Before-After

Guess which window was the first to get cleaned today after an embarrassingly long period of time (read: years)…?

It might come as a shock to you all, but yes, I still find things that need clearing and always amazed by the ah-ha moments that come out of simplest of efforts.

A quick glance up and through the (now clean) skylight is all it takes for me to be jolted wide awake by the dazzling Birch tree that drapes over it (and me right) now. The tree has always been there, holding a regal space in the side yard. But until this moment I haven’t been able to recognize and appreciate its dazzling beauty.

Next time you feel stuck, or can’t seem to see your way through a solution, or could use a new start in life, go clean a window! Notice what it feels like before you begin, and after.

You may be amazed how much more of the world will come into focus – both from the outside, and within.

P.S. I tried to upload the “after” photo of the same two windows in their current sparkly state and got the message “file size too large.”  Hmmm… I love the implication:

more light = higher resolution = more spacious


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  • Lynne

    Stephanie this is inspiring..I never pictured you to even have one slightly cloudy window ever!! You mean you’re actually a little bit like me???

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      ‎’Fraid so, Lynne… guilty as charged. I’m a clean freak with just about everything that is reachable and has moveable parts, with two exceptions: windows and the inside of my car. Go figure, eh? My only excuse is that our house dates back to 1875 and the storm windows alone are a bear! The car, well… beats me… 😉

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