Leaning Into (the Downside of) Clearing


Question from a student:

“I was wondering, when you began clearing did everything in your home feel like it needed to be cleared?  This feeling is so overwhelming at times.  I physically and emotionally feel nauseous, anxious, fear and defeated all at the same time.  I often think to myself ‘it will take a lifetime to clear all of this stuff.’ Yet, I still select something to clear and move forward.”

(My) Answer:

When I first began clearing it was out of despair, necessity, and some sense of a bigger picture.

Sensations like nausea, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, agitation went with the territory – and always kicked up – when I cleared. What I didn’t know back then is that these are all NORMAL side-effects of moving stuck energy.

All I can say is that it’s a good thing I hung in there in spite of the unpleasantness I encountered, or I wouldn’t have experienced the other side of the clutter picture. I wouldn’t have gotten to see how the energies really do shift (feel lighter, less intense, more spacious)  if you stick with the clearing practice long enough.

Lean into them as Pema Chödrön so wisely advises in this excerpt here:

“…take an interest in your pain and your fear. Move closer, lean in, get curious; even for a moment, experience the feelings without labels, beyond being good or bad. Welcome them. Invite them. Do anything that helps melt the resistance.” –Pema Chödrön

Chapter 46 “Shift Happens” in my book, Your Spacious Self describes a little better how I came to understand (and embrace) the highs and lows in my journey.

So hang in there my dear. Everything you are doing, observing, and feeling is all good! Your “mission” (if you choose to accept it ;-)) is simply to allow the weather to come and go without judging it or taking it personally.



  • Melanie

    Thank goodness the feelings are normal!

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