Thoughts Can Stick to Our Living Spaces

“What if a thought is an actual thing, a measurable entity, with a measurable mass?… Well… if a thought has mass, then a thought exerts gravity and can pull things towards it.” –Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, pg. 76


They do have a way of congealing into matter. Especially the negative ones. The more negative they are, the denser and “stickier” they are to people and spaces. Negative thoughts have a way of growing and attracting more stickiness.

It’s an endless cycle that can only be broken with compassionate awareness and spacious detachment.

Don’t take my word for it. Go hang out in a home or a building that doesn’t feel good to you and notice what’s happening: who lives or works there; what people talk about; what’s being displayed, stored, or sold; how old it is; how long since it was restored, updated, tended, or “loved up”…

I’ve written quite a bit about how our thoughts and emotions can affect our living spaces – both positively and negatively. To give you a context for Dan Brown’s quote above, I thought I’d list some of my favorite posts here in case you were interested in helping to change the patterns. Enjoy!

Photo: Google Images/ “Wishful Thoughts” by Stephan Christophe

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