It Takes a Village to Clear (Clutter)

I am a big fan of Facebook for how it can inspire a tribe to move mountains… of clutter. Here’s one of the lively threads to make its way through my SpaceClear fan page:

Joan Borysenko [shared by Stephanie @ SpaceClear]: “Amazing how one set of sheets and towels, and the few clothes we’ve been wearing seems enough. When we thought we’d lost everything in the [Boulder] wildfire, what we really lost was the attachment to too much stuff. Simplicity is freedom.”

Stephanie: Amen, sister.

Lynne W: Stephanie,  your post from Joan this morning inspired a major trip to the dump!!! Thanks to your inspiring posts…am making progress day by day.

Stephanie @ SpaceClear: Music to my ears! It is SO my pleasure ….I too went on a clearing spree yesterday. So glad you’re on a roll, Lynne. We’re all in this together.

Stephanie @ SpaceClear: Went on a “clearing spree” yesterday prompted by my buying a necklace at J.Jill… Looking to find a “home” for it, I discovered a drawer packed FULL of earrings and jewelry I never wear – collected over the past 40 years. Spent 2 hours pulling everything out and putting back only what I love. A lot of good stuff “to go” is sitting in beautiful boxes waiting for the inspiration of what to do with it. Ideas, anyone??

Tasha: Donate to Goodwill/Salvation Army & get a tax donation receipt.

Karen J.: I like saving some for dress-up (kids of any size looking for costume goodies) and then some for “Dress for Success” type organization – helping those who have been homeless accessorize work/interview appropriate outfits.

Priscilla: Maybe some day you will have grandkids that want to play dress up with it.

Kelly: I bring my clothes to a halfway house in brighton/allston. for jewlery, you could try a consignment shop. i know j jill also takes back their clothes to donate, maybe they do the same for jewelry?

Lynne: My biggies are bags, I admit it I have a bag addiction and can’t bear to part with any, but put all on floor yesterday and they are small mountain..second problem area is books I’ve read and loved…good luck with finding a new home for the newelry..Christmas regifting??? Or just let close friends choose something?

Lynne again: btw did you see Katie Couric news last week? She had feature on decluttering person who is living on 100 items, like two pots, two glasses, two sheet sets, etc..incluidng clothes!! It’s a trend.

Stephanie @ SpaceClear: Good tips, everyone. Thank you. I like to put my “don’t know” items temporarily in a staging area. It helps calm my resisting (fearful) mind and allows me a little space to consider whether I’m really ready to let the thing go. Clothing goes into a bin in our basement. The jewelry is in a drawer dedicated for re-gifting and consignment. When these holding stations get too full, it’s time to do something!

If you’re on Facebook, join us for some clearing inspiration and fun at SpaceClear.

Photo Credit: Bing Images/Making a Difference

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