Shedding the Weight of What People Think

Heart Cactus

“The more you love your self, the less you worry about what people think.” This thought popped into my noggin’ as I was getting out of bed this morning.

Don’t know why it came through but I’m guessing it might have had something to do with my recent visit to my parents in Texas, who at 80 + years old continue to have very definite ideas about life and how we should be living it;  ideas that in the past have turned me into a prickly pretzel of unease and resistance.

Not this trip, though. I noticed myself getting less plugged in and plugged up; and having more fun enjoying and appreciating my parents just as they are.

Big shift.

I think I’m growing up.

Since most of what we humans think or believe is a form of perception after all – coming through layers of filters we’ve constructed from our past experiences – why give someone else’s belief or worry (that doesn’t resonate or feel good) so much power or energy?

This topic reminds me of a quote I’ve heard a lot: “What people think of you is none of your business.” And this one by Anais Nin: “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Yes I know, another belief. But one that works for me and helps me feel lighter.

p.s. After this morning’s ah-ha, I received this post in my email box. Another wink from the Universe:

Lady Gaga and me

Do you think it bothers her that I don’t listen to her music and wouldn’t recognize her if she stopped by and said hi?

It shouldn’t.

Even if you’re a pop star, you don’t need everyone to be a fan or a customer. And especially if you’re not a pop star, worrying about whether everyone laughs at your jokes, buys your product or even likes you is counterproductive.

Unless you’re running for something that requires a unanimous vote, it’s a mistake to focus on the frowning guy in the back of the room or the dolt who doesn’t get your subtle references or the miser who isn’t going to buy from you regardless…

You’re on the hunt for sneezers, for fans, for people willing to cross the street to work with you. Everyone else can pound sand, that’s okay. Being remarkable also means being ignored or actively disliked.

BTW, I’m virtually certain that Lady (do her friends call her that?) doesn’t read my stuff, so we’re even.

“Lady Gaga and Me” by Seth Godin

Photo: “Cactus in San Miguel” by Jay Vogt

Showing 8 comments
  • Lynne

    I like this…never made the connetion with loving yourself and worrying about what people think…however I don’t worry about it too much…so guess that is good…could be better…

  • Lynne

    I use to be a newspaper reporter and developed a little “thicker skin” than I had before that…I always said I wasn’t born to win a popularity contest..good thing, too!!

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Very good thing, Lynne. I like the idea of a thicker “spacious” skin that feels everything and personalizes nothing.

  • Lorese

    I really liked your article – thanks for sharing

  • Star

    Thanks for this post – love it! Having been in/out of several families over the years, I have come to believe that part of growing up is when your family of origin ceases to push your buttons. The holidays are such a test of button pushing. Congratulations on growing up… I’m still working parts of it 🙂

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      You said it, Star. I always feel that visiting my folks is like taking one of life’s midterm exams – to measure how well I’m doing and how spacious I can be. Can’t say that I’ve gotten an A yet 😉 …. there’s still plenty of room for improvement. 😉

      Thanks for your lovely comment.

  • Diane Marie

    Love the post Stephanie. I think it was Ram Dass that said, “if you think you’re enlightened, go spend a week with your family”!!! Hilariously True.
    And so I’m off……to spend a week with family.
    Let’s see how I do!!!!!!!!!

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      SO true, Diane! … And maybe not so hilarious when we’re in the thick of it. 😉

      May your visit with family be EASY AND FUN. Let us know how it went!

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