
“Let it all go. Show me your spirit.” –Platon, cover photographer for Time magazine

While traveling in Italy last fall, my husband captured a rare and unexpected photo of me enjoying a quiet moment (before digging into a fabulous plate of homemade pasta). It’s rare because unless you catch me unawares, I usually feel like I’m trying too hard to look good. Is my lipstick on? How’s my hair? Wait, this is my better side…

In this photograph of me, on the other hand, I see a stillness that I never get a chance to witness in myself. I like it. I like how pure and uncluttered I look.

A holy moment I call it.

What would happen if you had your picture taken with this instruction: “Let it all go. Show me your spirit.”

That is exactly what a renown portrait photographer asked his famous subject to do when shooting a recent cover for Time magazine. The video below tells the remarkable story behind the hauntingly beautiful photograph of  Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s first lady of freedom.

Another rare and holy moment.


Photo by Jay Vogt

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  • Eileen

    Now this piece has brought me to tears! Thank you for sharing! Lovely!

  • Lynne

    This is so inspiring and she was born on MY birthday.

  • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

    That is very cool, Lynne! Are you the same age?

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