“…Don’t go see someone who is irritating. Take a day off from work if you feel tired. Go to the beach if it calls you. Listen to more of the music that pleases you. Soothe yourself in any way that you can. Let your mantra be: “today, no matter where I’m going, no matter what I’m doing, it is my dominant intention to please myself… I’m going to be nicer to me…” –Abraham-Hicks

Chill, or “chill-lax” as my daughter once taught me, which is chill and relax combined.

I’ve often maintained that without self-care there is no clearing.

  • If you’re fried all the time, no clearing.
  • Adding more things to an already full plate, or full house, no clearing.
  • Feeling bad or guilty, no clearing.
  • Spending zero time doing what nourishes your soul, no clearing.

May this short video inspire you to spend more time in the place that feels good!



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