
Winter 2011 – Living by Goosebumps

“I live by goosebumps.”–Quincy Jones

Birdsong. A double rainbow. Really hot Latin music.

Capturing a perfect moment on my digital camera (like the photo above). Watching an ah-ha register on the face of a student. Any routine choreographed by the talented Mia Michaels on So You Think You Can Dance (especially the one linked at the bottom of my newsletter).

Music, beauty, and the feeling that we’re all held in some way by a cosmic back-up orchestra… that is my gateway to spacious, juicy, magic.

What makes you feel pure, unmitigated joy? What touches you deeply, stops you dead in your tracks, or is sure to deliver full-body wave of goosebumps?

Wishing you a joy-filled New Year … and at least one goosebump moment every day. If you need a little help “goosing the bumps,” click on the link below. This winter’s newsletter is full of great ideas.

Happy chillin’!


Winter 2011 – Living by Goosebumps**

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** Newsletter published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

[see box in the footer below to sign up]

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