Spring 2011 – Letting Go…Letting Go…

“Stretch yourself.” –Maya Angelou on OWN

I just finished teaching another one of my spacious retreats at the Kripalu Center where we spend two and a half days embracing the myriad (excruciating and comical) ways we hold on to stress and clutter.
We talk about how our stress and our stuff makes us feel. We release it ceremonially with love.
One person’s pledge to delete the 4,000 emails from 2009 was met with a collective gasp. Our clammy hands clapped enthusiastically to her resolve and courage. Another talked about how he was going to change his answering machine message to “If your call is important to me, I will return it.” For a third participant, it took everything she had to simple breathe more deeply.
It takes courage to really let go. It takes courage to feel the feelings that come up when you take a decisive step and face your fears. It takes courage to commit to what really matters.
Courage – as in the “heart” – the only place within that really knows what’s going on…
and sets us free.
May this season (and newsletter) inspire a wellspring of letting go.
Happy spring!

Spring 2011 – Letting go…letting go…letting go**

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** Your Spacious News is published quarterly by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

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