Wag More, Bark Less

It’s a quirky title, but the words of this bumper sticker are as good a message as any for us humans right now. In this time of global uncertainty it seems that our collective anxiety has gotten [...]

Year of the “One”

  111111. This was my odometer on May 29, 2011 on that dreamy day that Prince William married Princess Catherine (Kate Middleton).  I was driving to Connecticut to teach a four-day workshop [...]


Manifest. Mani as in many. Fest as in celebration… and joy! I recently came across a terrific manifesting exercise on Arielle Ford’s blog. Though it is written for those seeking to [...]

Life by Me: Home

What is meaningful to you? One of my articles was published recently in Life by Me, a beautiful online space that features some brilliant minds and big hearts –  both famous and unknown. Every [...]

I Am…Inspired

There’s a documentary that is making the rounds that I can’t wait to see. It’s called I Am. The director Tom Shadyac, was living the rich and famous dream life of a Hollywood [...]