There’s a documentary that is making the rounds that I can’t wait to see. It’s called I Am.

The director Tom Shadyac, was living the rich and famous dream life of a Hollywood mega mover and shaker. He had it all, it seemed, until it dawned on him that all the accolades, money, and mansions in the world did not translate into a deep and lasting joy.

So he quit.

He quit with a little assist from the universe: a terrible biking accident that left him with one horrible, chronic concussion (apparently there are certain types that don’t go away), and pain that became almost too much to bear.

I figured when Oprah dedicated one of final precious shows of her 25th (and last) season to this guy, he must have something to say. And he did. Here are his three key concepts that got my attention on the Oprah Show:

1. It is scientifically proven that the entire human race is connected.
2. It is human nature to be cooperative rather than competitive.
3. If you don’t do what your heart wants you to do and follow your passion, it will destroy you.

By the way, Tom Shadyac lives in a modest, two-bedroom trailer and is happier than he’s ever been.

I AM going to run to see this movie!

p.s. Watch the I Am trailer and tell me it doesn’t make you giddy to go see it!

p.p.s. Read “From Multi-Millionaire to Mobile Home,” on


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