
It’s Here! Your Spacious Web Site

SpaceClear.com has morphed several times since 2001 when it was founded. I cringe when I think of what we used to look like back in the day when internet was still so young.

As of this week, we’ve launched our most beautiful site ever, thanks to the Zen-like sensibility and fine detail work of my award-winning graphic designer brother-in-law, George Vogt.

Web site and blog have finally joined together as the one go-to place for all things spacious.

Put your feet up… make a cup of tea… poke around… stay a while. The top line of the main menu above will guide you to a wealth of resources to support a clearing “way of life.” The second line are all my blog posts organized by subject: Clearing, Cultivating, Inspiring, Announcing. Pull down each one for a quick glance of features and posts to help you cultivate a clear home and a spacious life.

My hope is that this site will feel like a sanctuary; a place you can visit often to rest, refresh, and re-member (as in to gather the scattered parts of your self). I invite you to bookmark this page, tell your friends, and share what inspires and challenges you to connect with your spacious self!


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