When Anne Dimon, editor of Travel to Wellness, offered me the opportunity to become a regular contributor for the magazine, my first reaction was an enthusiastic yes! I love travel, and what could be more important that cultivating wellness?

My next (immediate) thought was How is this going to work? I don’t write travel stories.

I’m in the business of helping people feel more spacious in their lives by clearing and caring for the spaces in their homes, heads and hearts. The journeys I teach and write about are not always pretty and rarely feel like a vacation. How does one reconcile the exotic pleasures of traveling with the mundane challenges of tending to home and self? How do five-star experiences in pampering dovetail with “zero-star” experiences in clutter clearing?

As I sat with my questions, I realized this partnership could not be more perfect. Travel is a journey after all. It doesn’t matter if the exploration takes you through the dark jungles in Africa, or into the gnarly jungles of your basement. As I see it, both adventures provide a new perspective, both offer self-care as a reward for effort, both invite us to step out of our comfort zone and give us the possibility for personal transformation.

“Home” may not offer the perks of an exotic seaside villa, but I know from lots of personal experience that when you connect with it – both the physical residence you live in and the mental one that lives in you – it reveals mysteries that are as rich and sustaining as any five-star adventure experience by the sea.

The “travel to wellness” adventures that I write and teach about happen to be more of an interior kind that we can access by simplifying our lives, slowing down, and doing things for our selves and our homes that feel good.

It’s a journey of doing something small every day that moves stuck energy, like sweeping a floor, putting away the clothes, or rounding up the stray stuff on the kitchen table at the end of the day – with awareness.

It’s a journey of releasing by allowing ourselves to feel the stress, overwhelm, and resistance the moment it arises, and following it to its source.

It’s a journey of practicing gentle self-care to support well-being and letting go.

This month marks the premiere issue of Travel to Wellness. I hope you will join me every month in an adventure that may not always feel like a vacation, but will take you into the vast territories of your spacious self… and experience the spa within.


For a taste of your “SPAcious SELF”

and a peek at a beautiful new space that will take you to exciting places – click here



Showing 2 comments
  • Debbie Moore

    Congrats —-the more people who get your message the better–your book and message is amazing.

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Thank you so much, Debbie. It means a lot to know that my (broken record ;-)) clearing messages are being enjoyed by others.

      Keep the comments coming! They truly make my day.

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