Clearing Ritual to Invite New Beginnings

“You can draw it, sculpt it, write a vivid story about it, dance it, burn something, or bury it – anything that gives expression to that material without doing damage… Remember, a symbolic or ceremonial experience is real and affects one as much as the actual event.” – Robert A. Johnson, Owning Your Own Shadow

Clearing rituals are a great way to make room for something new. They can be especially powerful around a new moon or during an eclipse.

Since the unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between real live action and conscious intentional ritual, ritual is a perfect companion to clearing out any thing that no longer serves and supports you. Plus it feels good and costs nothing but a moment of your focused attention.

The meditation below is a perfect example of something you can do for one minute any time you need a clearing support. It was created by Stacey Robin, founder of the Go Gratitude Experiment to celebrate the new moon solar eclipse we had back on July 1, 2011:

Transmutation Meditation

Sit in silence.  Imagine a fire before you. Gather your fears, doubts, and judgments and flow them into the fire. Watch them transmute and burn … when the fire becomes a rainbow flame,  jump through it.

Allow the fire’s flames to become a Gateway for you, transporting your Spirit, Soul and Body to a space of Love, Gratitude and Wholeness/Holiness.

Allow yourself ample space to freely explore this Mysterious, co-creative, full-spectrum landscape. Witness with a wonder-filled Heart what the other side looks and feels like, and know it is here … NOW.

Record whatever thoughts, images and ah-ha’s comes up then go about your day knowing whatever challenges come your way have already been transmuted by the fires of change, and the solutions are being unveiled in every breath.

Give thanks it is so, and so it is!  Blessed BE.

–By Stacey Robin,

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