Waaaa, my favorite show on TV just ended it’s eighth season. If you’ve been reading my posts for a while you probably know that I love – no, make that adore – a show called So You Think You Can Dance on Fox TV. I wrote a post a couple of years ago called Lighting Up the World from the Dance Floor that goes into greater detail of why I think this show is so special.

Basically, it is lyrical and edgy and playful numbers (like the samples attached below) that send me to the moon, and instantly make me feel.

Feel, as in…

moved, lifted, energized, light, transported, rattled, uncomfortable, thoughtful, inspired, full, enriched, happy, giddy, blown away, speechless, goosebumps, wonder, in the flow… spacious!

It is the magic of art at its best.

What does it for you?

p.s. If you watch the videos below, be sure to set them on full screen and crank it up, baby!

p.p.s. My most favorite number of all (and makes me melt with joy every time I watch it) is this one on YouTube (click here). I’m not alone it seems, either. The choreographer, Mia Michaels, has since won an Emmy for the 2010 piece she created to the beautiful song by Sting called “Everything She Does is Magic.”


Photo: Google Images/Martha Graham Dance

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  • Marie

    Ahhh … I love love love this show as well. Thanks for posting the links … I especially loved the one with Sasha and Kent.

    My all-time favorite dancer is Alex Wong … anything he did was amazing but the hip-hop routine with Twitch was incredible! I was so disappointed he got hurt .. again … and couldn’t come back s an all-star this year. Maybe … hopefully… next year.

    I don’t dance … but I am always inspired by how much they lose themselves with abandonment in these routines. The choreographers are amazing as well.

    Thanks again for posting.


    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      Hi Marie…

      So great to meet another passionista! I’m not a dancer either, but I think I must have been one in a past life.

      I agree, the Alex Wong-Twitch duo doing the hip hop number was incredible. I think I watched that one about 50 times. And the “spoof” version that Ellen Degeneres did with Twitch another 50.

      So much joy!

      Thanks for writing.


  • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

    p.s. My most favorite number of all is this one. The choreographer, Mia Michaels, has since won an Emmy for this piece:


  • Pam Case

    Oh my gosh, great minds think alike. This is my all time, hands down, favorite show. I wore black on the last night because I was in mourning that it was over. This year I loved Melanie from the first time I saw her in tryouts. She went on to win. I thought it was so great this year. Mary didn’t even get on my nerves. 🙂

    The incredible talent and athleticism just bowls me over. I feel like my emotions go on this wonderful roller coaster ride with each episode. I missed Mia and Adam Shankman this year, but I understand that she is choreographing his movie.

    Wonder when Season 9 begins? Are we there yet?!!

    • Stephanie Bennett Vogt

      So happy to know another fan from my SYTYCD tribe, Pam! And happy too to know that Mia Michaels and Adam Shankman didn’t go AWOL or have some falling out with Nigel and Mary. I missed them both too, but loved the brilliant talent in Christopher Scott, the unbelievable growth of Tyce Diorio, and the unabashed quirkiness of Sonia Tayeh.

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