Spacious in Spain.

What does it feel like to swish that idea around in your awareness? Imagine a small group, magical location, fantastic food, great energy, a sparkling and lighter you!

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Sound good?

A colleague of mine and I have been looking for the perfect venue to offer a small clearing retreat for women – somewhere exotic and heavenly, but easy to get to.

And we found it! It’s a very mystical place in south eastern coast of Alicante, Spain. It will be one week of clearing heaven for a small circle of women – only 10 spots!

Practical and profoundly simple, this week-long retreat is designed to give you a direct experience of spaciousness and powerful clarity by inviting you to call back what is yours, and let go of what is not: to slow down, reflect, release, rebuild, and remember.

Everyone gets their private room. Food is cooked fresh from the garden. Lots of space in the day to rest, hang, schmooze, sit by the pool, walk, and clear!

It’s not until next May, but I have a feeling the course it going to fill fast and I want to be sure all of my friends at SpaceClear know about it first.

The dates are: May 12-19, 2012.

My co-presenter Nancy Shapiro is a life coach specializing in personal and professional transitions, a writer, and a poet. She is very down to earth and you will love her!

Click here for all the info

Spacious in Spain in 2012

Small group, great food, magical venue

Reasonably priced program for a priceless experience

How fantastic is that!?!

If you know of other women in your life who could use a soulful week of heaven, please let them know!

Spacious in Spain

Learn more

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